Bass Fishing Tournament & Pot Luck
When June 8, 2024 @ sunrise - 12:00pm (noon) Snow lake Shores Recreation Center
This is to reduce the overpopulation of bass that are less than 14 inches in length. You can also donate fish for the fish fry, that have been caught prior to the tournament. But they will NOT be included in your tournament count. If you plan on donating fish please do so by Friday, June 7, 2024.
WHO: Property Owners, and Guest that are accompanied by Property Owners.
Please call, or text, Cynthia Hallford 713-254-4179 to register for the tournament.
No Boats from Outside the Lake will be Allowed
2024 Poker Run
June 15th, 2024
Rain Out Day June 16th
11:30am-2:30pm last boat in 3:00 at the Community Center
Poker Run Stops
Poker Run Rules
If picking your entire hand from one location, you must present your Tally sheet, then pick one card at a time, and lay it face up on the table. No duplicate cards can be used. Participants must draw an additional card if an identical card is drawn.
If playing MORE than one hand, the participants must present the appropriate Poker Hand Tally Sheet to be marked BEFORE each card is drawn.
In case of a tie, there will be a draw for High Card to determine the winner.
All decisions of the judges are Final!
Snow Lakers,
I have been asked on a few occasions, “How does a poker run work?” Well, it is fairly simple and you do not have to know how to play poker to /participate. So don’t let lack of poker knowledge stop you from participating. It is fun for all!!
From the Community Center, you will follow the instructions given on the back of your Tally Sheet. There will be 6 stops total. This includes the Starting point (where you will pick up your sheet) and the end point (where you turn it in). All stops will be disclosed the day of the run.
Meet neighbors you may not know.
Purchase tally sheets at the Community Center. ($10.00 each)
Each player may purchase up to unlimited tally sheets.
Sheets will be numbered for drawing order at each stop.
At each stop the player will present the tally sheet(s) to the stop volunteer.
If playing multiple sheets, at the starting point the sheets will be numbered 1, 2, 3 etc.
At each stop the player will draw cards one at a time and the sheets marked in corresponding order.
After each draw the card will be returned to the deck and shuffled before drawing for each hand.
The player cannot have duplicate cards on the same sheet. Example: Tally Sheet #1 cannot have 2 King of Clubs.
However, Tally Sheet 1 and 2 may both have the King of Clubs, since they are separate hands.
The player will draw a card and present it to the stop volunteer.
The stop volunteer will make the appropriate card on the tally sheet.
Proceed to the next stop and repeat until all stops have been completed.
At the End Stop the player may discard up to 2 cards (for $5.00 each) and draw replacements.
While this is not a race- the last boat must be in by 2:30pm and in line to turn in tally sheets.
Best hand wins!
In the event of a tie, the players will draw 1 card from the deck. High card wins!
Decision of the judges is FINAL!
If you cannot participate by boat…DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU! Come to the Community Center Porch between 10:30am and 11:00am and purchase Tally Sheets. If participating at the final stop, you must present your Tally Sheet to the stop volunteer, pick one card at a time, place them face up on the table and the volunteer will mark your Tally Sheet. Same discard rules apply.
Hello Neighbor’s,
Please join us on Saturday, April 20, 2024, for a Game Night. The game for the evening will be ‘Left/Right/Center’. Participants are encouraged to bring a snack to share with the group and whatever they want to drink.
We will try for 3 games at $4.00 ($ - $1) for each game. We have one set of dice, so if someone could bring another set that would be great.
WHAT: Game Night = Left/Right/Center
WHEN: Saturday, April 20, 2024, at 6:30 pm.
WHERE: Recreation Center